Friday, March 2, 2007

Who's the Boss? Great Blog Post in WSJ's The Juggle

Today's Wall Street Journal blog The Juggle has a great post today that gets working parents working moms make better bosses? Well, I guess I am biased on that one - but I have to agree wholeheartedly that once you become a parent, you suddenly become more understanding of the demands many of us face at work and at home trying to be the best we can be in both sides of the fence.

I have worked for many bosses over the years and have to say, that the ones with children were pretty mindful of the fact that while I may have to bolt out the door to relieve my babysitter, I can be found typing away on my BlackBerry making sure I never miss a deadline or shirk my responsibility in the office.

During the times that I had bosses without kids, I have found many of these women to be incredibly inconsiderate of my family commitments - one used to call me late in the evening until I told her that I don't take calls after 8pm.

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