Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Working Mothers Don't Get Enough Sleep

Just found an interesting tidbit that hits close to home on a Tampa Bay news website that says: "American women are not getting a good night's rest. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60 percent say they only get the sleep they need a few nights a week or less. Even more say they frequently have sleep problems. The lack of sleep interferes with about 43 percent of women's ability to do normal activities during the day. The women polled say the lack of sleep affects virtually every aspect of their time-pressed lives, leaving them late for work, stressed out, too tired for sex and little time for their friends."

The crazy thing is the study says that stay at home moms face more problems with insomnia than working moms! I guess as a working mom, I'm so damn exhausted at the end of the day that I look forward to having a clandestine meeting with my pillow each night. For tips on how to fall asleep (uh, don't think about the million things you have to do the next day and pop an ambien in your mouth), Click Here.
Do you have trouble sleeping too? SOUND OFF and tell us your side of the story!

1 comment:

Trish M said...

I can't comment on the experience of stay-at-home moms, but as a working mom, I can tell you that I am NOT "Sleepless in Seattle"! As soon as my head hits the pillow, I sleep soundly until my "human alarm clock"...aka my 8-year-old son...wakes me at 6 AM. Sleep on, sisters!